Завдання для Михайла (08.12.2022)

******* Англ. мова ********

My school

 My name is Ivan. I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have got Maths, Art, Reading, Music and Sport. We do sums at Maths lessons. My friend Taras and I don’t like doing sums and counting. My friend’s favourite lessons are Sport and Music. At Sport lessons we run, jump and play games. At Music lessons we sing songs and play music. Children like running, jumping, playing games and singing songs. I don’t like Sport. I like playing games but I don’t like running and jumping. My favourite days are Monday and Friday. I have got English and Art lessons on these days. English is my favourite lesson. I like speaking and reading English. I like singing English songs. I like painting. My friend doesn’t like Art. He doesn’t like painting. On Saturday and Sunday children don’t go to school.

 Task 1. True or false

1. Ivan goes to school five days a week.  

2. Children do sums and count at Sport lessons.  

3. Taras’s favourite lessons are Reading and Ukrainian.   

4. Ivan doesn’t like Sport.   

5. On Saturday and Sunday children don’t go to school.

6. Ivan’s favourite days are Monday and Friday.   

T    Task 2. Choose the correct answer  Виберіть продовження речення за змістом текста і запишіть речення

1. Children go to school…

     a) four days a week; b) five days a week; c) three days a week.

2. At Maths lessons children...

    a) do sums and count; b) jump and play games; c) speak English.

3. Ivan and his friend Taras...

    a) don’t like playing games; b) don’t like singing songs; c) don’t like doing sums and counting.

4. Ivan’s favourite lessons are…

     a) Music; b) English; c) Ukrainian

******* Математика *********

Посилання на урок - https://meet.google.com/cwo-uxjn-mjn


******* Мистецтво *********

******** Математика *********

********* Технології *********

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